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HomeEvents - Login to RegisterNATIONAL MEETING - Furniture, turnings and sculptures

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NATIONAL MEETING - Furniture, turnings and sculptures

Date and Time

Friday, April 19, 2024, 7:30 PM until 8:27 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


National Meeting

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About this event

Mark Sfirri is a furniture maker, turner, and sculptor. He is best known for his specialty, multi-axis spindle turning. He has made candlesticks, bowling pins, baseball bats, human figural forms, furniture parts and many other objects using these methods for over thirty years. His demonstrations will include: a multi-axis turned candlestick (a design that he developed in 1992), baseball bats from his “Reject from the Bat Factory” series an abstracted turned figural form, and his multi-axis turned bottles. He works without any special chucks, just between centers. For his talk on April 19, he will show examples of his work throughout his fifty-year career in wood and how he’s used turning in his work in different ways. He will also discuss some of his research of Wharton Esherick, the founder of the American Studio Furniture Movement. He has lectured and written extensively about him over the past eighteen years. Mark Sfirri is co-sponsored by RWS and Finger Lakes Woodturners.