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HomeEvents - Login to RegisterNATIONAL WORKSHOP: Chip Carving - An Introduction - Dennis Wilson

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NATIONAL WORKSHOP: Chip Carving - An Introduction - Dennis Wilson

Date and Time

Saturday, March 15, 2025, 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


St. Michael's Woodshop
691 St. Paul St
Rochester, NY  14605


National Workshop

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only


10 Total Slots
3 Available Slot(s)

About this event

Dennis's workshop will introduce members to the traditional craft of chip carving-a type of woodcarving in which a small knife is used to incise decorative floral and geometric designs into basswood, butternut or walnut. The design is created by the removal of small pieces (chips) of the wood. In Northern and Eastern Europe, chip carving is an ancient traditional craft associated with rural life. Chip carved wooden plates, jewelry, keepsake boxes, trays, breadboards, furniture and other items can make wonderful gifts
and home decorations.
As the workshop starts, I will first show pictures of antique chip carving in several books I have, and then discuss some of my own chip carvings which I will bring with me. I will explain the design of the chip carving knife and contrast it with the design of the figure carving knife with which most members will be familiar. I will then demonstrate how to hold the chip carving knife and use it to cut straight lines, triangular shapes and curved lines. I will also demonstrate how to cut the Swiss style chip and how to cut the
Old World style chip. Members will have an opportunity to make these cuts with a variety of chip carving knives I will bring.
I will distribute my class syllabus to interested members so they can understand more about what they will learn in the class. Course catalogs for the Adirondack Folk School will be available also. NOTE: there is a $23 materials cost included in the registration fee.